Monday, October 12, 2015

Officially Listed

So, after a month of comfree, circumstances have suddenly expedited our need to sell. Luckily, we had a fantastic Realtor, already lined up.. Which helped us to weed out and eliminate the slithering snakes, disguised as real estate agents.

The choice was obvious. And easy.. Shifty pricks.

Not to discount the effectiveness of comfree.. I would have been happy, sitting on the property, a while longer. But, doors were opening and closing, much too fast, for the slow lane.

My only real concern, is the lack of online visibility, to local realtors.. So I am told. Comfree really needs to pick up their heels, on this. Listing my property in a city, 2 hours away, with an entirely different (and uninterested) market, is definitely not a conducive use of my hard earned dollar.. Get it together, guys.. Local listing. Figure it out.

All blathering rants aside. I am currently listed with Keller Williams. Full, unhindered listing. It's only been a day, on the market, and we have some interested prospects! Things are now progressing smoothly.

Oh. And we should have a new location very very soon. Tillsonburg.. Hope you like rustic furniture!

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